Last Thursday it finally went from Pointe-à-Pitre on the ferry to Dominica. Since we took the first bus and this is unfortunately arrived a little later than planned, we were at the port of first total in a hurry and climbed as, without exaggeration, the very last ferry. The captain was apparently angry because he drove so fast and choppy then, that the ferry fun already about 10 minutes later and two anti-motion sickness pills was late for us to our past and nausea nothing helped except eyes, music to and through.
arrived in Dominica now we were waiting on the couch surfers, you should pick us. We waited 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes .... sometime We were restless and decided first by bus to the capital Roseau to drive, to search for an internet cafe there, so we are all couch surfers in the environment can ask for help and there may be to find accommodation.
We have asked it there somehow and after about an hour we had changed the night for a safe place, money, and once sat in the very beautiful "Corner House Cafe in the main street.
We were totally überwältgt from the scene that offered us. Everything was so vivid, the houses were so colorful, all very busy ... we immediately felt like a Hollywood movie, because everything seemed so surreal. It was beautiful.
When we wanted to pay, we met by chance a resident of the couch surfers, Stef, who gave us his number, with which we agreed for the next day. We said our goodbyes and met him about 20 minutes later, when we were on our way to the bus to find a beach outside the city. He took us ado, it's saying, he gave us "a ride", and drove us to a beach of his friend Patrick.
After we had cooled the water a bit, Patrick came to greet us and invite us into his tree house. Sounds crazy, it is, but it's true. Patrick had a multi-storey, with suspension bridges connected tree house in which he not only survived, but also worked.
He invited us to a coconut with rum, which he brought us fresh from the palm and showed us his palace. The plot was really huge, but it unfortunately did something come down because he's just returned from an extended stay with his son in the U.S. and no one cared about the house in time. So we sat there
now, with our "cocktail" in the hand and chatted with him about life in Dominica and his children, who live scattered all over the world. Eventually we had to go unfortunately, as we catch the last bus take in the city had.
In the city we were preparing ourselves for a great night out and made our chic to notice only to find that the city is completely dead at night. Or we just have not found great bars, of course this can be. Almost no one except the homeless, we have encountered.