Thursday, November 12, 2009

Aurora Snow Cigarette Smoking


We were now, as befits educated students of literature, the theater. In Basse-Terre, there is a relatively large theater called "L'Artchipel" by even occur relatively famous artists. Well, at least for relatively Guadeloupe famous artists. It is, so it can be said for the entire western half of the island a cultural center.
Today was the play "Colère" section. This is based on the trilogy Amour, Colère et Folie "(love, anger and madness) by Marie Vieux-Chauvet. The story sounded very interesting. It is about a Haitian family who are injured as the regime has bad things, including their country is taken away, they need to grow, to regain it must prostitute her daughter.

The promising plot was unfortunately slightly different realized as expected. In the speech before the beginning of the piece was also mentioned that there is a "Spectacle" is. Since we were supposed to be already hear everything, but we were still a bit surprised when the lady has just read a monologue. Luckily, the actress Nicole Dogue has spoken very clearly, otherwise we would have understood nothing of the plot, because the old method "by opening up the context and movement and action and everything that is not necessarily mediated by speech" worked unfortunately very limited.
Cinette has fortunately not bought the book that we have borrowed directly. Read value, it seems in any case because it deals in other parts of the Caribbean culture and the special problems in Haiti. These include, among other things, discrimination, poverty and oppression by the regime. As an ordinary Europeans one is versed in these things naturally and not particularly worth it, once again about to experience.


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