Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Make Sausage Dog Draft Excluder
So, after we found out that we simply have to change a setting to allow of any comments, it is now finally possible to comment on our posts. This will be fun!
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The weekend was more strenuous than a rest, but of course it was worth it.
Saturday morning, off we went. With picnic food (cake) packed, we drove the route to the Parc de traverse de Mamelles. This is a zoo, issuing only animals from Guadeloupe, ok, and even a Jaguar and a few parrots and small animals from Guyana, but that does not really count.
The zoo was more sad than funny, because the animals have to live in far too small and not at all welfare cages. Although the animals are rescued by allegedly in front of private buyers who would otherwise kill the animals, just as one wonders what really would be the lesser evil. It was at once a lively discussion on animal welfare, the people as the greatest fighter ever and the general pollution. The end result was basically that we see in zoos stupid and no one else would go.
What makes the Parc des Mamelles but so worthwhile is worth climbing his cabinet, which of äanfänglich "Haha did, so I do not afraid of heights!" to 'Aaaaah, I'll never live this down. Hiiiiilfeeee! " enough. The suspension bridges are strung between trees at a height of 25-30 meters and are not as stable as you might imagine normal bridges. I thought of directly my tree house that I built in the fourth grade, and that's been crashing with me, so I'm just coming up with the butt. This pain in my mind I ran this Hängebrückchen along now.
It is great fun in the midst of the trees was to run on shaky Hängebrückchen to get the entire park from above to watch, even if the other could soon see that they had to endure probably similar in their childhood tree house experiences. Well, all except Lara, they are also called Lara Croft, because she knows no fear or just tired of life is. This can not accurately differentiate.
Parc des Mamelles from Lea Sauer on Vimeo .
evening we were to go back with friends in Gosier at Pointe-à-Pitre, to stay at a reggae party. This should, so we thought to take place in St. Francois, which is again about 30 minutes from Gosier.
We have found out during the evening 5 rules for a successful evening, we would like to say:
Rule No. 1: Eat before a
Agoulou. It does not taste, but feels the stomach, leaving one unsatisfied. This can only by eating more Cookies can be counteracted.
Rule No. 2:
Before leaving, please be someone the finger in the boot clamp. Frauke found this very funny and had blue fingers and pain out of any further damage. It's worth it! But only try if before that rum was taken, the peace of mind.
Rule No. 3:
In no case before asking for directions. It's much funnier when people still moves at night and sprayed for hours by half-Grand Terre, in order afterwards to land on a dirt road that probably leads to nowhere. Good thing the party has really taken place in the middle of nowhere. take
In no case money
Rule No. 4 for drinks, so can be shared, and that makes a lot of fun.
Rule No. 5:
not sleep at home. The feeling fully awake sweating in a foreign bareback bed is simply no substitute.
The evening was crazy and everything that could go wrong is going wrong, but even our Invalidin Frauke had to say afterwards that it was simply wonderful. Music and people were super nice and the atmosphere on the beach somewhere in the middle of nowhere to dance, is simply incredible. Again and again. But then until sunrise.
Sunday we were on the way home, or to the Saut de Lézard. Very, very nice. In the middle of tropical rain forest with a waterfall grotto half which we hiked about 30 minutes. Much to write, you can not, because you have must-see. We have refreshed us and explore the surrounding area.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Soul Silver Media Fire
When it is hot here, as almost always, they say good friends, "Ah, Bonjour transpire, ever!" Which means something like "Oh hello, I'm sweating! ". This applies to everyone, whether for Standartoma or for the well-known writers with whom we have eaten today happened to lunch. If you live in such a friendly old lady, are the guests definitely something interesting.
When we are hot, we go spontaneously to the lighthouse where you can super snorkeling. At that time we did not know that the water is contaminated by pesticides and had lots of fun snorkeling, swimming and posing. The place is really beautiful, and many go there to bathe with their children. Therefore, it has surprised us more so when we heard today by the newspaper of the water pollution. The pictures show that in any way. See for yourself:
Bêtises from Lea Sauer on Vimeo .
Friday, September 25, 2009
Brazilian Waxing Lesbian
This beautiful cache box I have in a forest near Castrop-Rauxel although expanding rapidly, they wanted to take pictures, instead of raising them. I still said, "Look, just as beautiful as toadstools in the Black Forest". Well, then go's. Thanks for the cache!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
60th Birthday Speech Template
Last Saturday we have again made a trip to Grand-Terre, on the one hand there to Pointe-à-Pitre, and second, a new beach, St. Anne to explore.
Pointe-à-Pitre is really not a dream city, as it is very dirty there, but it was still nice to visit the various colorful shops.
The shops are each packed to the brim with things that are so colorful and so much sparkle that in Germany probably would be the hit at any Bad-Taste-Party. Also runs louder Raeggaton what the shopping, of course, in addition makes it a beautiful experience. Here one really wins a great impression of the island culture and immersed in a world not quite so European.
worth seeing in the capital are mainly:
- of course the shopping, which we have experienced with their hustle and bustle just once must
- the spice market, Marché Couvert, to which the women have a loud but ask for a little spice of them Now
- La Darse, Old Town, which extends along the harbor
- Place de la Victoire, to have the houses are lined with colonial-
Unfortunately the city does not photographed enough. Certainly we shall still have the opportunity to get.
Beautiful and especially silly and it was then on the beach of St. Anne. The weather was bad with us, so it got there, of course, raining. I mean, we're only in the Caribbean, there is rain, of course, inevitable. We let it get
us and tried our best to rain, just ignore for a coffee in a beach bar. So, swimsuit and get out into the water. It was warm, yes. Only the sun, the stupid, wanted to come out not go away. Something must have
been in the air, for after a few minutes, we mutated to pubescent teenagers in addition to water polo and water jogging, also had to practice handstands. The documentation of exciting, we present some here. And yes, we find that (and us) funny! ;)
On the current situation can not say much. Since the university started only last week, we still can not make as much contact with real Guadeloupianern. This is really a pity, but hopefully this will change. The other girls who live with us in Saint-Claude, are simply great! As you can see on the photos, we see ourselves very well and we do have a nice time here. In the other still lives Vincent, also just started to study here and we have asked him today if he will not even invite a few friends so we can make a great meal. Maybe he gets so into it.
The people here are generally extremely open and very friendly and always help when you have questions. We are therefore confident that we will be integrating us soon enough.
Today we also learn that is offered at our university in October and high school sports. Among other things, now is watching, scuba diving, kayaking and sailing. And all this for almost tepid. This will certainly be in addition to the courses, also a good opportunity to meet young people and something to do with them. Our current
Get to know tactics for now looks like that we all, really anyone we have ever seen at the University of greetings, friendly and waving on the street. If that does not work, then I do not!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Muscular System Of The Toad
We were thinking, hey, if we are to Guadeloupe, we do but also anything the tourist island. Musée du Café must not forget, of course.
After we paid € 5.10 reduced admission, we were able to determine that the Musée du Café is quite boring. Beautiful was only the sales department. Nice meant was the tasting coffee. We do not like coffee, we have found. Tourists love waived on it. Aja, if you are there, but absolutely take the many promotional booklets at the entrance!
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Last Saturday we have with our fabulous car (see photos), which even has a radio, but rattles at every corner and rattles, a day trip to the other Ersamus students in Gosier, near the capital Pointe-à-Pitre made.
The trip was wonderful, because we initially bought a cheap thing to Guadeloupe - gasoline - and then the wind us and our car spattered with chocolate. Is critical in such a new car, of course, know ...
Once in Gosier, it went right. Since we do not take our stuff and the beach was only about 50 meters away, we decided just to leave our things in the apartment. First out we realized that we then somewhat scantily clad (bikini) on a main road running. Then it was decided: Let's go with the Busboot or we swim over to the island? The latter would, of course, can not escape, and so then all of us 5 girls bravely swim in the waves, to the approximately 30 minutes to the Isle of Gosier. On the open sea we were at the mercy of natural forces of water waves with their merciless. Except for a jellyfish bite but nothing happened.
After the effort we needed a cool down. Pisswarme the water was not as useful and we bought us all beer and Caribe etspannten us in the water. We spent the afternoon with more or less pubescent water games on the beach.
barbecue evening was then announced. With about one million spare ribs, lots of beer, selbstgeangelten fish, homemade bread, couscous salad and of course rum developed after a short time from the simple Grillung a great beach party. Highlights of the evening were well-water catch in the sea, like spin the bottle 14 and the absolutely ridiculous calls. I would like to be able to get there by 16 live. :) Saw
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Make Tahitian Hip Belt

Our first day at university is as follows: to be shocked by the mini-Uni (size corresponds to about half of an ordinary primary school, since it consists of 5 class rooms), to be stared because conspicuous color of all (no, we deny it not, we are not from here), pure stumble into any office, be put into the next best classroom to succeed in the task to a course where you do not understand a word.
now we go for 4 days to do good to the university to exactly one thing (the courses begin next week). Today, with the task of "Bonjour" to say about the Direct Rice to after 10 minutes to drive back home.
A library management, we have already made. This was an extremely complicated matter, because the library consists of about two rows of shelves. It is, however, thank God, offered a special course on dealing with the Unibib. Lucky. Fortunately, there are
also a canteen, so that we may not always have to cook. The cafeteria is still open though, but looks very promising.
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The atmosphere is simply fantastic!
Imagine: tropical rain forest with lianas and bamboo, giant trees and plants and in the middle a deafening waterfall. Here, we cooled down and we rested for the next stage.
Our next stop was "Le phare" a lighthouse on a rocky outcrop. We have embarked bravely from the cliff into the water, unpacked our diving masks and snorkels and fish observed. Self-Lea has here been overcome and made it about 5 minutes in water to stay, although you do not want and could not even see the ocean floor could.
With a strong coup de soleil we are then broken down to us in the rivière rouge to wash off the salt water. The Rivière Rouge is a small Natural Traditional water basin which is middle of the forest is and could be modeled in a Monte Mare. The biggest attraction there is a trapezoid, with which you can swing across the water hole to let himself fall into the cool water.
Overall the day was with the couch surfers just super. We can only recommend this and they will surely meet again.
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link to our web album: http://picasaweb.google.com/laraleagwada/KaribischesWetterVomFeinstenCouchsurfingVomFeinsten?feat=directlink
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Written Application Le
After about 14 hours of travel we finally arrived in Guadeloupe, the paradise. The trip was anything but paradise. We flew with the child-friendly airline Corsair. "Le ciel enfin aux familles sourit" means 14 hours accompanied by children crying from the immediate vicinity of friendly dogs barking. Only the woman next to us was crying softly. After we arrived, we were surprisingly picked up and were even went directly from our landlady Cinette to our future abode. After a delicious meal, we were able after 24 hours without sleep at last to bed. Came to rest not so completely one an orchestra of bird song, mind you a lot louder than in Germany, rooster crowing and dogs barking.
Phew, at least we have good weather. At least for us is very warm. Oh, wait a minute, if you look out the window, one sees anything but sun, because we are welcomed just returned from our first cyclone foothills. But otherwise it seems to be real nice. For the bad weather, you will be compensated by the incredible natural beauty. In addition, all are super nice here and the people we have met so far had much patience with us and always a smile on his lips. It will be defined more beautiful.
who admire even the grandchildren of our landlady want, you can feel free to watch this video. This little man is really the sweetest of all. Also in dialogues that consist of constantly repeated questions, he remains patient. He just grins.
The images have serious snapshot quality, but more so, none of us expected, right?