Our first day at university is as follows: to be shocked by the mini-Uni (size corresponds to about half of an ordinary primary school, since it consists of 5 class rooms), to be stared because conspicuous color of all (no, we deny it not, we are not from here), pure stumble into any office, be put into the next best classroom to succeed in the task to a course where you do not understand a word.
now we go for 4 days to do good to the university to exactly one thing (the courses begin next week). Today, with the task of "Bonjour" to say about the Direct Rice to after 10 minutes to drive back home.
A library management, we have already made. This was an extremely complicated matter, because the library consists of about two rows of shelves. It is, however, thank God, offered a special course on dealing with the Unibib. Lucky. Fortunately, there are
also a canteen, so that we may not always have to cook. The cafeteria is still open though, but looks very promising.
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