The weekend was more strenuous than a rest, but of course it was worth it.
Saturday morning, off we went. With picnic food (cake) packed, we drove the route to the Parc de traverse de Mamelles. This is a zoo, issuing only animals from Guadeloupe, ok, and even a Jaguar and a few parrots and small animals from Guyana, but that does not really count.
The zoo was more sad than funny, because the animals have to live in far too small and not at all welfare cages. Although the animals are rescued by allegedly in front of private buyers who would otherwise kill the animals, just as one wonders what really would be the lesser evil. It was at once a lively discussion on animal welfare, the people as the greatest fighter ever and the general pollution. The end result was basically that we see in zoos stupid and no one else would go.
What makes the Parc des Mamelles but so worthwhile is worth climbing his cabinet, which of äanfänglich "Haha did, so I do not afraid of heights!" to 'Aaaaah, I'll never live this down. Hiiiiilfeeee! " enough. The suspension bridges are strung between trees at a height of 25-30 meters and are not as stable as you might imagine normal bridges. I thought of directly my tree house that I built in the fourth grade, and that's been crashing with me, so I'm just coming up with the butt. This pain in my mind I ran this Hängebrückchen along now.
It is great fun in the midst of the trees was to run on shaky Hängebrückchen to get the entire park from above to watch, even if the other could soon see that they had to endure probably similar in their childhood tree house experiences. Well, all except Lara, they are also called Lara Croft, because she knows no fear or just tired of life is. This can not accurately differentiate.
Parc des Mamelles from Lea Sauer on Vimeo .
evening we were to go back with friends in Gosier at Pointe-à-Pitre, to stay at a reggae party. This should, so we thought to take place in St. Francois, which is again about 30 minutes from Gosier.
We have found out during the evening 5 rules for a successful evening, we would like to say:
Rule No. 1: Eat before a
Agoulou. It does not taste, but feels the stomach, leaving one unsatisfied. This can only by eating more Cookies can be counteracted.
Rule No. 2:
Before leaving, please be someone the finger in the boot clamp. Frauke found this very funny and had blue fingers and pain out of any further damage. It's worth it! But only try if before that rum was taken, the peace of mind.
Rule No. 3:
In no case before asking for directions. It's much funnier when people still moves at night and sprayed for hours by half-Grand Terre, in order afterwards to land on a dirt road that probably leads to nowhere. Good thing the party has really taken place in the middle of nowhere. take
In no case money
Rule No. 4 for drinks, so can be shared, and that makes a lot of fun.
Rule No. 5:
not sleep at home. The feeling fully awake sweating in a foreign bareback bed is simply no substitute.
The evening was crazy and everything that could go wrong is going wrong, but even our Invalidin Frauke had to say afterwards that it was simply wonderful. Music and people were super nice and the atmosphere on the beach somewhere in the middle of nowhere to dance, is simply incredible. Again and again. But then until sunrise.
Sunday we were on the way home, or to the Saut de Lézard. Very, very nice. In the middle of tropical rain forest with a waterfall grotto half which we hiked about 30 minutes. Much to write, you can not, because you have must-see. We have refreshed us and explore the surrounding area.
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